Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Christmas can't be very far away...

Thanksgiving is here, literally--it's tomorrow. For me Thanksgiving has always been a time of hopping in the car and driving multiple hours to visit family. After the turkey is eaten and the tryptophan has worn off it means it's time for Black Friday shopping. My cousin, my brother and I were always left under the care of the men in the family while my mom, aunt, and grandmother hit the stores armed with their list--well at least 2 lists (my cousin's & my brother's). I truly must be the WORST Christmas list maker in the world. 

I mean sure--when I was younger I had least I remember circling almost every toy in the Toys'R'Us catalog, but then again that was when Santa (my Pappy) was calling me on Christmas Eve to make sure I was going to bed early. Since I've been a teenager, there have always been one or two things that would be "my list". This year is a whole different story.

I actually find myself asking my HUSBAND what I should put on my Christmas list--WHO does that? Now you might ask, why am I so worried about my list? Well, let me tell you. My grandmother asks for it at Thanksgiving even now...which means TOMORROW. I have always been the practical one--so naturally my list is pathetic. So pathetic my husband laughs. "Sheets? Who puts sheets on their Christmas list?" My reply: 1-they are expensive, 2-why not? hahahah Well I've wasted time from trying to come up with a list to write this post and now Greg is on his way home and I must leave to deliver my list. Here's to hoping I come up with some better things than slippers (which are a high priority on my list this year). :) Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. I put sheets on my christmas list this year....good sheets are heavenly ;)



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