Thursday, September 23, 2010

Baby Boy...

it's your 2nd Birthday!
Even though you're not a puppy anymore..
You are still my Nutter Butter :)


Monday, September 13, 2010

On this day.....

8 years all began.

and on this day 4 years ago...I said YES!

September 13, 2006

I would reminisce a little more but I'm exhausted from a rough day...and I want to relax a little bit. :)


Saturday, September 11, 2010

My Zoo

Without any more hesitation here is my new little world.
It's my first real classroom that is ALL.MY.OWN.
I can put my stuff in MY DESK.
I can put my books in MY CABINETS.
I can put my supplies around MY ROOM.

and I LOVE IT.

Day One: I moved in some things, but you can see the carpet bookshelf and tables that were in there.

Day Two: Furniture arrived and was assembled. A wee little kitchen on the right, more shelves, a sand table, and easel. what fun!

Day Seven: Yes forward. not the completely finished product, but considering it has already changed since school started, it's not too far off.

What do you think? Would you like to come to preschool?? It's lots of fun! I can't wait to share with you what we are doing. My kiddos are so.stinkin.cute

Friday, September 10, 2010

umm hi????

I don't even think I know where to begin except to say Hi and wow and I'm sorry! I was going to look back at what I last posted (since I truly don't remember...yikes!) but now I've started typing and I don't want to take the time to do that. I think it was something about moving and not having internet? Sound close? If not--ohh well

I am officially 2 weeks into school and coming up on 2 months in this house. It's been crazy and yet at the same time I just have to share with you how happy I am. So many puzzle pieces to put together for you...but I will do my best to get there.

I don't have many...okay no pictures of this house. But I do have this...This was what just one of our rooms looked like the day of and the days after our move...

Can you say wow! Just looking at this picture---I cringe. I think the picture would be much worse if I was standing next to those piles, and if you knew I'm standing on a floor that is at least a foot taller that the one that those boxes are sitting on. :)

I have a post all ready for tomorrow about my new classroom. :) I can't wait to share that with you. Hopefully I will be a more frequent visitor from now on. I had 1000+ posts in my reader, but that's only because it stops counting at 1000. I'm sure it was thousands more than that. hahah



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